Research in Dissemination and Implementation Sciences in Health Services
Group Activities
To generate valid scientific knowledge to design, apply and evaluate implementation strategies that, on the one hand, transfer proven effective interventions to routine clinical practice in a rapid, feasible, generalized and sustainable manner, and, on the other, promote the abandonment of those of null or low value, through the application of emerging methodological theories and procedures in the field of Dissemination and Implementation Sciences.
To this end, the following specific objectives will be addressed.
Specific Objectives
Identify and prioritize problems in the quality of care, by default or by excess, that require implementation research ; including in this process the perspective of patients, their caregivers and citizens in general.
Describe the magnitude and variability of these problems in the quality of services and analyze their causes, as well as the barriers, facilitators and processes necessary to solve them; using theories, models, theoretical frameworks and research methods typical of Implementation Science.
Scientifically design, based on appropriate theories and available evidence, implementation and/or de-implementation strategies, hypothetically necessary and sufficient to address the factors mentioned in the previous point, which determine the systematic and widespread adoption of prevention interventions of proven effectiveness and the abandonment of those of low value; piloting its feasibility and potential effectiveness to optimize clinical practice, in the routine conditions of health services.
Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of said strategies, estimating their impact on the change of the practice, its maintenance and sustainability, describing the fidelity to what was planned in its execution and the necessary adaptations, the factors associated with its adequate execution and the achievement of results.
Transfer and scale to the rest of the system the strategies that have been shown to be effective in optimizing healthcare practice and its results; adapting them to environments, patients, professionals, centers or communities different from the one where they were tested; evaluating the necessary adaptations and their effectiveness.
Disseminate at a scientific, professional and social level the achievements of IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH to contribute to the transformation of the research culture of the SNS and the creation of intelligent health systems that continuously learn from their own healthcare experience.