Sponsors & Partners
Cooperation makes life easier. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. We are proud to introduce you to some of our Sponsors & Partners.

Basque Health Service - Osakidetza
Osakidetza, the Basque Health Service, has an effective and efficient organisation, characterised by: autonomous management of its different centres and units, as well as a focus on continuous improvement in healthcare and teamwork.
Since its creation as the Basque Health Service in 1983, Osakidetza's objective has been to guarantee a universal, quality public health system for everyone. Today, in addition to being a collective achievement of Basque society as a whole, the Basque public health system is a benchmark model.

Basque Government Health Department
The Health Department of the Basque Government is the institution created in 1984 in charge of the public healthcare system in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, belonging to the National Health System.

Biobizkaia Health Research Institute
Biobizkaia is a Health Research Institute of the Territory of Bizkaia, within the Basque Health System. It is a translational center and innovation in the field of health, and a benchmark at the regional and national level, leading international and high-impact projects and becoming a center for attracting clinical, research and innovative talent.
Biobizkaia consists of the following corporate organizations: Health Department, Osakidetza, Basque Foundation for Research and Innovation (BIOEF), University of the Basque Country (UPV - EHU) and BBK Banking Foundation.
The mission of the Biobizkaia Institute is to promote translational research and health innovation; to create value and create an impact on health for society; to promote collaboration between clinical research and basic research; to serve as a meeting point of the Health System, Industry and the ecosystem of scientific and technological knowledge; ensuring the sustainability of health research and innovation.

The Research Network on Chronicity, Primary Care and Health promotion (RICAPPS) is funded by the RICORS sub-programme (Research Networks oriented towards Health Results), within the Strategic Action in Health 2021 and 2024 of The Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). The network is made up of 26 research groups and 9 associated clinical groups, located in 12 Spanish regions.
The main objective of RICAPPS is to promote network research at national level oriented towards health outcomes in primary care, chronicity and health promotion. The aim is to transfer the results to clinical practice and health service organisations, and thus ensure the improvement of health care for the population.

Osatzen-Basque Society of Family and Community Medicine is a non-profit organisation of a scientific and professional nature. Osatzen is one of the 17 federated societies that make up SemFYC, the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine.
From this society, they work to promote the strengths of Family and Community Medicine in our environment; organising and supporting independent training activities free of conflicts of interest with the industry; promoting working groups in the different areas of Family and Community Medicine; involving Family and Community Medicine and residents in the activities of the Society; intervening and participating in the media; participating in the Basque Health Forum; supporting initiatives for the advancement of the speciality; participating in the Department of Health's PC Advisory Council; supporting the euskaldunisation of Family Medicine; and working to ensure that at the UPV-EHU Primary Care has the relevance it deserves in the Medicine degree.
Network for Research on Chronicity, Primary Care, and Health Promotion (RICAPPS) received a research grant from the Carlos III Institute of Health, Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain), awarded on the call for the creation of Health Outcomes-Oriented Cooperative Research Networks (RICORS), with reference RD21/0016/0003, RD24/0005/0017 co-funded with European Union – NextGenerationEU funds, which finance the actions of The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
This activity is funded from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spain, with reference RD21/0016/0003, RD24/0005/0017 co-funded with European Union – NextGenerationEU funds, which finances the actions of The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).